Stephanie Savage

Stephanie Savage Photo
License No. 02065486 (CA)
Mobile: 408.204.2209 Office: 408.295.3111

"I am driven by my passion to help people fulfill their real estate dreams!"

Stephanie's business thrives on referrals and repeat clients, a testament to her dedication and exceptional attention to detail. She takes the time to genuinely get to know and understand her clients, ensuring sellers receive the highest price and buyers find their perfect home. Stephanie combines professional agent services with an extensive knowledge of the real estate market and a background in design. Her creative eye and attention to detail are invaluable assets, benefiting both buyers and sellers.

Unlike many agents, Stephanie offers high-end staging for all her sellers, maximizing a home's appeal and ensuring the best possible price. For buyers, her ability to envision a home's potential and uncover hidden opportunities is crucial, especially in today's market with limited inventory. Stephanie delivers results that will move you!

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